Friday, December 21

Never question a two-year-old. They're pretty much always right.

Right before Micah was born we traded in the (extremely disappointing) Explorer we bought right after Judah was born and leased a 2008 Honda Pilot instead. It's generic, it looks exactly like what everyone else is driving, but we love it. Mostly we love that it's reliable and that we don't own it and can trade it in in three years for something else.

A few days ago I took Judah and Micah to Borders to finish up some Christmas shopping. Usually this is fine because Micah is quiet and Judah is a good shopper and loves the kids' section. But this day....Micah was screaming and wouldn't be comforted, and then Judah joined in. So I had to put back all the things I'd picked out because the line was too long to wait in with two screaming children. Angry, I wheeled the stroller out to the parking lot, steering it with one hand, holding Judah on my other hip, and trying to work the auto unlock on my keys with that hand as well. I walked up to the car, clicking the unlock button.

Judah: That's not our car.
Me: Yes, Judah, this is our car.
Judah: No, this is NOT our car.
Me: (Wondering why the unlock isn't working) YES, Judah, this IS our car.
Me: (Pulling on the handle, which won't open, then glancing in the back seat and noting that I don't think I had all those cardboard boxes in there when I went INTO the store, and how did they get there?) Uh.....maybe this isn't our car.

I glanced around, saw our car a few spaces down, and then looked over my shoulder frantically, hoping this car's owner wasn't watching me and thinking I was trying to break into their car. Then I put my head down, walked quickly to our car, and apologized profusely to Judah. He's so detail-oriented, why do I ever doubt what he says?

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