Thursday, September 20

Some therapist is going to be very wealthy...

Sometimes kids say funny things because they imitate us. Other times, we strike fear in their hearts because they don't understand us.

Tonight, Eszter and I were looking through a catalog, and she saw a book with cartoon fireflies on the cover.
Eszter: "Are those bees nice bees?
Mommie: "They're not bees, honey, they're fireflies. They light up in the dark. They're really fun, nice buggies. If kids live nearby, they can catch them and put them in jars and watch them."
Eszter: (eyes as big as saucers)
Mommie: (thinking Eszter is going to want to track down fireflies to catch them)
Eszter: "I'm sad, Mommie."
Mommie: "Why, honey?"
Eszter: (now sobbing almost hysterically) Because of the kids in the jars!

Then, we call Grammie and Grampie later.
Eszter: "I'm really excited that you sent me ballerina stickers. It reminds me that I want to be a ballerina girl when I'm a grown up. I will have to find a new ballerina teacher, though. My old teacher tells us we have to jump over crocodiles and they scare me. So I won't do it, I just watch."

Friday, September 7


Eszter grabbed a Little Einstein book to read for 'family story' tonight and we were saying the animals and the sounds they make or the things they know, to teach the babies the important skill and life necessity of animology (animals and their nature). Duck: quack, bark, bark...mouse: squeak, squeak...rabbits: hop, hop. Ashlee and I originally taught Eszter it was a wriggly wrinkled nose, so Ashlee and I were trying to get Eszter to do it (it had been 2 1/2 years). "Eszter" she asked, "what else do rabbits do?" Very quick answer "Have babies!!"

Who's been teaching our 3 1/2 year old about the birds and the bees??? Dean would have an idea, but Eszter's never walked in on us...

Sunday, September 2

Thanks for the sympathy, buddy!

I started having contractions early this morning. Thinking this was it, we rushed out to do some last minute errands, like, oh, buying a dresser for the baby's room. As we drove, Nathan looked over at me and must have noticed I was pale.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Are you scared?" he asked.
"Yeah," I answered.
"I'm scared, too!" Judah commented from the back seat. "I'm scared, too, Kristy!"